Monday 21 November 2011

Sunday 20 November 2011

Ah photoshop

You make the internet fun!

thanks to Spin and Holly for inspiring me to be this sad lollolololol.......

Sweet New Armour and Weapons !!!

Dragon Plate Armour And  Custom Glass Waraxes!

Saturday 19 November 2011

If taking screenshots was a profession?!

Well impressed with myself over this one !? feedback please :) 

What is this !?

Love the previews in the loading screen proper curious which dragon this is :) 

Skyrim Hugs

Think the wild animals in Skyrim havea  thing for character as they seem to just run up to her for hugs!

Thursday 17 November 2011

Inventory View Of Orcish Armour

5 Personality Flaws Skyrim Forces You To Deal With |

5 Personality Flaws Skyrim Forces You To Deal With |

'via Blog this'

Awesome article I just read whilst reading things about Skyrim before going back to play Skyrim :)

Awesome Dragon Kill Cam

Can't wait to get the decapitate perk but until then check out my awesome Dragon Kill Cam!

New Armour - Orcish Plate

will put up some more pics from my adventures tonight hopefully gonna do a decent vid of a quest or something also but this "lileth" in her blacksmithed Orcish plate armour.


Have a got at Giants as a Lowbie! You have been Warned!

Favourite spell of the day

Ice Spike
cause spiking bad guys through the head with giant icicles rocks!

The First House

Hi so I recently uploaded to my you tube account a video tour of one of the first houses you get access to which is Breezehome in Whiterun. Hope you enjoy :)

Sunday 13 November 2011

Meet Lileth

Hi guys and welcome to my all new Skyrim Blog where I will be uploading videos, screen shots and links to helpful guides and websites in aid of sharing my Skyrim experience with you all and hopefully helping and learning about your adventures in the world of Skyrim.

Here is a brief Introduction to my first Character.

Race: Nord
Sex: Female (custom build)
Top Four Skill Trees I'm Putting My Perks Into: One-Handed, Heavy Armour, Blacksmithing & Destruction.

Archetype. Typical Warrior/ Battle Mage type will later focus on either alchemy or restoration to improve survivability.

Premise behind this character is to level up blacksmithing as fast as possible to get the dragonbone armour combat is focused on dual wielding with some destruction magic thrown in for some flare :)